Friday, August 12, 2011

He's giving me mixed signals? Help?

he regrets breaking up with you i think he wants to get back with you but AFTER 3 MONTHS i think his planning to do something maybe take revenge or put you in trouble becoz if his making fun of you then i THINK (NOT SURE) he is planning something.

Have you ever used your "veteran" status to talk a cop out of applying the law against you?

I am a vietnam veteran and it is very clear on my plate. I have never asked for any special favor, nor do I expect any. I would never try and get out of a ticket because I was in Vietnam.

How do i apologize to my parents?

well... i just recently got in trouble for taking my phone to a church camp that we werent supposed to take it..and my parents were one of the youth leaders and so they are very strongly religious (christian) and when they found out i took my phone they freaked out and i got in so much trouble but now i wanna apologize to maybe get my phone back quicker...(: but idk how with out them being like, stop making up please.

How do major league managers tolerate these players that admire their deep fly balls f/ the batters box ...?

hitting a home run is special. most managers were major league baseball players. they would understand

Think he should apologize?

My sibling threw up because he went to sleep the second after he ate dinner, and my dad kept complaining about why you shouldn't put oily foods, why doesn't my brother excercise, and on and on and on, but then he mentioned something about ME being fat. I'm like the skinniest in my family and have the perfect body shape. I don't starve myself or all the crap(btw, I was eating dessert at that time), and I dance and excercise to stay fit.I was bewildered. All my friends were like - wow, you're amazing, what's your secret, and my mom always supports me. But then tonight, she just giggled and gave me the sign that he was just joking. I still got super mad, and she laughed along with him. My dad wasn't joking maybe, and my mom - she still shouldn't have done that. Remember that he was saying that when he was mad so in a mean sort of joking way. Should he apologize? What do you think? (I mean of course, but what's should I stop him from saying these things)

Why do Democrats and Republicans change their views in accordance to their leaders?

Many are ideologues who happily lap up every morsel of misinformation emitted by the mainstream media. The right and left are both part of the same team.

24 days till my due date! What should I pack for the hospital!? Thanks!?

I would like to know what to pack for the hospital. I've read online lists but those lists go on forever!!!! I know the hospital has to provide alot of those things and i just want to take what i need i don't want to go in with a suite case of things. No music player, candles etc. So if you can help me with this it would be so much appreciated. Before baby's born--after delivery--recovery! Thank you so much i only have 24 days left till my due date so that means i need to start packing soon! Oh yeah, is it better to stay in the hospital night gown the 3 days or wear your own clothes?

What should I wear for my Grade 12 graduation?

Maybe a nice blazer and some nice dress pants would look nice :) 12 grade graudation is memorable thing, and I'm pretty you don't want to remember it in jeans and a t-shirt! ;) I find dresses pretty uncomfortable. Or, a pencil skirt, with some heeled shoes/sandals and a nice blouse. Hope I hepled

Hunns, am I good parent?

Hunns, this evening I heard some noise in my walk-in closet and when I went to investigate, I was shocked at what I saw. My own child standing there covered in my jewels, wearing my most expensive evening gown, make-up smeared everywhere! I know I should have immediately given a firm scolding, because the shoes did not match the outfit at all, but my yellow hat and pink feather boa looked so darling on him that it almost made up for it. Should I have punished my son for picking the wrong shoes for the outfit or just be grateful that he didn't really over accessorize?

Is it weird that children still seem to like me now that I'm 20?

thats a great quality children alot of times have the ability to slow down and see people for who they really r. so u must be a nice approachable person, thats the great thing about kids they r so open to showing their true feelings.

Plz help before i go to school.i m so stressed out....?

Do it,and if your friends tease you,just laugh with them,tell them your group was trying to make it comical

Do you think this will work?

It's a wasted effort. You can wear your brief for modesty's sake, however, the nurse will still tell you to remove your briefs before administering the shot.

Will this possibly happen?

When wearing a hospital gown with briefs (tighty whities) underneath,do the briefs have to come off when receiving an injection in the butt? I've been told they will have to come off for the injection,is this true that they have to come off?

Am I applying my eye makeup correctly, or is there room for improvement? (Picture)?

It doesnt look bad but try a darker eyeshadow it would look really good, then add white eye shadow in the inside crease of your eye. Thats what I do.

What should I do? I'm still in love with her but my friend doesn't care!?

I recently went through a break up with my ex, not that long ago. I was with her for quite some time. We were even talking about our future but eventually she dumped me. Eventually she started apologizing to me and telling me the mistake she made. And right before she was about to come back to me, my best friend flirts with her and wins/steals her. He knew I was not over her and I told him that but he's like "I don't care, I like her so get over it..." I seriously love her more than he ever will. And the other day, I secretly heard a conversation between him and his friend and he said "if she breaks up with me like she did to justin, I don't care." He seems to not care about her and just want a relationship. I wish she could realize that I'M the one who truly loves her. My friend aka her new bf doesn't seem to give a crap about her but I'm afraid if I tell her, she'll think I'm jealous and purposely trying to break them up. I want her back though. I can't believe he did this... ={

What should you do if you tickled a girl when you were 7?

I have been feeling awful about this for a long time. Back in the year 2000 I was 7 years old. I saw this little girl at a playground and she looked like she was 2 or 3. Out of nowhere I just started tickling her for no apparant reason. Her older brother and sister kept asking me to stop, but I continued. I did not know the girl and I never apologized and I have felt terrible about doing what I did. Should I continue to beat myself up over it, or should I move on?

I apologized but i have a feeling it didn't help?

So last night i apologized to my cousin in person face to face but for some i feel like it didn't help. Did we fall out to far? Is the trust not there like it was before? Is it because i felt like i didn't mean it because i just said it in a casual voice or what? I just have no clue.

What color tie do I wear under my graduation gown?

our school colors are purple and white so the gown will probably be blue or purple. I'm wearing a white dress shirt underneath but I'm not sure what tie I should wear

What to wear under gown for commencement?

I was thinking of just wearing a white dress shirt, with some black dress pants and black dress shoes. Is that alright?

Atheists, I need your I a "fraudulent atheist"?

Ok, to make a long story short, I have been having a debate with a Christian friend of mine about whether I have the right to call myself an atheist. I was born into the Roman Catholic culture...baptized, confirmed, taught religion and all that stuff. I've not held a single religious belief for over fifteen years...I believe in just death after life and have distanced myself from organized religion...but my friend claims that because I have been "sealed" into the church since my baptism and that I actually should hold the term "nonpracticing Christian" instead of atheist. In accordance, he states that I have to write a letter to the church or pope asking for permission to leave the church...only then will I have the right to call myself an this true or false???

Should I learn German or Russian?

Well it depends on you...which language you find more appealing, which language you will use more? German might be easier than Russian to learn, but there is no such thing as an easy language, Russian and German are beautiful languages and and would be nice to learn, I would go for German,becuase the grammar and text for me is easier to understand and pick up,. and I live in Wales and there are many Germans comming here on their holidays than Russians... if you feel Russian is more appealing and more uselful for you then go for Russian, everyone is different and has more interest in one language than the other, so really its up to you, choose the laneguage you have more passion too, German is uselful western-central europe than russian, russian has a different text and does sound difficult, but it depends on the individual, if you have passion in Russian then go for it, sometimes its best to tackle the hardest one first :) good luck in whatever language you will eventually choose...

Will this possibly work?

haha ummm not sure it's worth a shot i guess, besides the nurse could just pull them up a bit and stick ya with the needle. so go for it.

What should I do about my former friend?

Try to talk out with her what bothered you and what stopped the friendship. If she gets mad at you for telling her than maybe you two shouldn't be friends. don't ignore her. give her a chance and if it doesn't work out, find other friends that are loyal.

What do you think would be the perfect wedding and wedding gown for Roslin and Adama in Battlestar Galactica?

If Bill Adama and Laura Roslin had had the chance to get married in Battlestar Galactica, what would you think would be the perfect scene and the perfect gown for their wedding? I was just wondering what other people thought. I think the perfect scene would be kind of like the scene at almost the very end of Season 4 when Adama is asking for volunteers to complete the mission to find Hera and Laura weakly walks in and Bill has to help her walk down the rest of the length of the ship. I think Laura's style would be very simple and beautiful. I am not sure about her hair, but I think it should be in a simple up-do with it kind of curly. I don't really know how to explain what her dress would look like. It would be a very beautiful and elegant wedding. What do you think she would look like? What do you think the scene would be like?

Samara morgan from the ring costume/cosplay?

I wanna know where I can buy a Samara costume?? I already have a wig, but I am having trouble with the dress/gown... do you know where I could buy one? Thanks!!

Should I still be his friend?

Ok so I have this friend, who had been my friend since high school. We both graduated about five years ago and in those 5 years friend really has changed. It’s mostly how he treats his other friends and women and I don’t know I want to be around him anymore because of it. For example when his car is broken and in the shop, he calls his buddies up that he rarely talks to and pays them gas money to drive him around until his car is repaired. And when they need a ride, he blows them off saying he can’t when he can and says he never really liked them in the first place. On the same issue, he is a back seat driver, he starts telling the person who is driving how to drive and yells at them for driving too slow, not being in the right lane and even give them directions which gets us lost. He also treats women really horribly. He has had two girlfriends and they both broke up with him for similar reasons. They both broke up with him because he was controlling, manipulative, cheated on them and treated them low. I personally asked him a few weeks ago if he could go back in time and change anything or apologize for the mistakes he made he told me “ No, because in a relationship, one has to be right and one has to be wrong and I ALWAYS HAVE TO BE RIGHT!” This disgusted me and made me really look at him differently. Also we work together. He got me a job the same place he works at. At work, he sometimes makes mistakes on paperwork and when the boss asks him questions, he says he doesn’t know and it wasn’t his fault. The Boss turns to me and gives me this “well if it’s not his fault then it’s YOUR FAULT” kind of attitude. And my “friend “doesn’t apologize or anything. Sometimes he evens comes to work drunk or is drunk on duty. He gets into arguments with co-workers, makes mistakes on paperwork and even leaves the bottles in plain sight. I go out of my way to get rid of the bottles, make amends with the co-workers, and I even take him home and take over work for him. I get a simple thank you and a promise it will never happen again. He breaks his promise and it happens again, usually every other month. He pushes away his old friends and those who really care about him and replaces them with new friends who are shady and shallow and I don’t like them. I told him and he told me he is not really there friend and he is only using them. I tell him to stop hanging out with those people but he won’t listen. He seems to be befriending anyone who can help him gain whatever he needs then screwing them over and bragging about it. I don’t know if I still want to be his friend and be around his new “friends”. Even all my old co-workers and old friend say he is a shitty friend and I should ditch him. Should I based on what I’ve told?????

Opinions on prayer in school?

I'm against it Because prayer should stay in church. You can't force kids to pray and anyone who says other wise can't go back to the dark ages.

Do you think he wants to be "Just friends" or am I over- thinking things?

I'm really not so sure, but I guess its YOU that he wants to be with. Giving you all that advice and stuff.

Should a female between the ages?

The "her body, her choice" should not apply to anyone because it is not "her body" that she is planning on having killed, it is the body of an unborn child which belongs to the mother AND FATHER who created the child.

Thursday, August 11, 2011

When wearing the "wonderful" hospital gown?

When wearing a hospital gown with underwear (tighty whities) underneath,do the tighty whities (briefs)have to come off when receiving an injection in the butt? I've been told they will have to come off for the injection,is this true that they have to come off?

Can i get a motorcycle license with a recent car DUI?

I got a DUI a few months ago at age 18 with a BAC of .08 while driving a car. My license is suspended for a year in accordance with California DUI laws for someone who's under 21, so I was wondering if there's any possibility of me getting a motorcycle license in California even though my car license is currently suspended for the DUI? Any informed answers are much appreciated!

What is the purpose if the CIA in simpler terms?

"The Central Intelligence Agency's primary mission is to collect, evaluate, and disseminate foreign intelligence to assist the president and senior US government policymakers in making decisions relating to the national security. The CIA does not make policy; it is an independent source of foreign intelligence information for those who do. The CIA may also engage in covert action at the president's direction in accordance with applicable law."

Do you need a white saddle cloth for a t shirt dressage day?

Check with the organisers or on the entry conditions. But yes normally you do otherwise you could be stopped from competing. Some people though choose to ignore these things. So yes you do

Fellow Conservatives, how am I wrong?

I think the majority of people, including conservatives, don't care what people do in private. What they dislike is the in-your-face attitude and actions we see from many gays. Parents don't like the idea of schools including pro-gay teaching in their curriculum, and I can't blame them. It's just not appropriate. If you think it is appropriate, do you think they should be teaching acceptance of deviant behavior like pedophilia? Pedophiles didn't decide to be that way either. No, I'm not equating homosexuality with pedophilia, I'm just saying schools should not be involved with promoting any kind of sexuality. I think most people just get tired of the constant demand for attention by gays. We don't want to hurt anyone, we just don't want to be constantly bombarded by gay activism.

What is the Shoplifting Policy at an outlet Sunglass Hut?

Hello, I have recently been employed at a local Sunglass Hut and I need help from a fellow employee. I have always been a fan of LP, and I cannot find anything in this employee orientation manual in regard to preventing shoplifting in general. If anyone might know something, just a few things or two, in accordance to Sunglass Hut basic procedure.... Please let me know ASAP.

Wearing a hospital gown?

When wearing a hospital gown with underwear (tighty whities) underneath,do the tighty whities have to come off when receiving an injection in the butt? I've been told they will have to come off for the injection,is this true that they have to come off?

I'm so depressed about my recent wedding I need advice I feel like crying :(?

I think that as long as you ended up married to the one you love, then at the end of the day, nothing else matters.

My boyfriend always says "f*** you" or "f*** off" to me?

He says it in a joking manner, but it still bothers me. He has never said it out of anger or to intentionally hurt me. I've told him before that it bothers me when he says it, but he says it just slips out because that's the way he talks with his friends and roommates. He apologized and said he wouldn't say those things to me anymore, but I still find him saying it a lot. Am I being unreasonable by being upset about this? Even though I know he's just messing around, I still feel like he shouldn't be talking to me like that.

Is it weird that children still seem to like me now that I'm 20?

thats a great quality children alot of times have the ability to slow down and see people for who they really r. so u must be a nice approachable person, thats the great thing about kids they r so open to showing their true feelings.

Help with wedding gown style?

Congratulations! I really like the arms on the dress and I think they'd look lovely, if your church is conservative have the lace sleeves but without the collor, have a square-ish neck line as this will show skin but also look more reserved have a simple yet glistening necklace that will draw into the neckline, have an understated bottom half of the dress unlike the photo, have it floaty but slightly pinned in so you show your figure but also have room to move about, if you have some little tiny gems scattered over the bottom part of your dress then this will add glamour but also look so delicate and dainty, have a little tiara, and enjoy your special day, congratulations girl! xxx

She Obviously Doesn't Like Me? (10 points)?

If she is aware of your feelings and hasn't done anything about it than i would say it is safe to assume she has no feelings for you. I know this is hard to hear, especially when you have liked her for so long, but there will be plenty more girls, and she will seem to fade into the background. Also, my opinion is she doesn't seem to be very mature, when you told her about your feelings she never tried to set you straight with how she was feeling which is very misleading. Best of luck, if you ever want to talk I'm here, . i have gone through this a few times with my own love interests.

What does a guy want and why does he cheat?

I think that the worst stereotype is the thought that all guys are the same. It’s true that we all share a resemblance. Many of us seem like heart breakers that want to get into everyone’s pants. There are a lot of those and sadly the media has influenced society to be that way but that doesn’t mean that were all like that. Believe me when I say that it makes it a lot harder for the rest of us to prove ourselves when all girls see is the stereotype. Besides the media, the want to fit in also plays a large part in how we are, similar to women. The gossiping fad is an example on the girl’s side. Many of us will seem the same because most of us portray a different personality in public which is usually a kind of “hotshot” appearance. The reason being is because on average, a guy has harder time expressing their true emotions and feelings and it takes an abundance of self confidence and security to overcome it. The people who so call themselves “players” usually just means that they have a hard time getting a girl by just being themselves. That type should be an obvious red flag. The reason that I think girls see that as our stereotype, and think were all the same is not because there are more of that type, but because they tend to stand out the most and that’s all the kind of guys woman ever see. As for the rest of us, the one thing that you have to know is that just because a guy likes to talk to you and make you laugh, doesn’t mean they’re hitting on you and want in your pants. It might just mean they like you and would love the opportunity to get to know you better as a person. Sure later on they may chose to want to date you and someday get closer to you if know what I mean, but that’s all guys. You will have to be the judge of character to see what he really wants. Just don’t assume by the cover or within the first few dates. More than half of the time he might not want to even date you and may just be trying to make a friend out of you and wants someone more understanding to talk to. Guys crave smiles and laughs from the opposite gender. Not only does boost their confidence, ego, and makes them feel secure about themselves. But it makes their day to make your day. They may put on a mask at first because their insecure, but if you give them the chance to let them open up and show them that you still like them for who they really are, they will stay that way because they now know that it’s ok to be them self. Not all guys have to open up like that. Some have already developed an openness and confidence about who they really are. However, just because they appear all the same with their “hotshot” look, doesn’t mean they really are. It may just be the style they like to portray. And you can’t argue with differences in appearances. It’s all about what’s on the inside.

Do you think that St. Theresa of the Little Flower was embarrassed by her "Dark Night of the Soul?"?

I don't think so. Otherwise, we would not know about it. I think she realized that so many others out there could be experiencing the same thing, and she needed everyone to know that even saints experience such a spiritual void. She sets the example for the way back. Don't be embarrassed, but rely totally on the love and mercy of the Lord. He has His reasons for taking away the gifts He gives us, and He alone in accordance with His Will will return it if we humble ourselves in adoration before His throne. So you see, there is no reason to feel embarrassed. If you really want it back, you can get it. But, you must overcome your pride. Are YOU up to the spiritual challenge of your life???

Is this really true or not?

When wearing a hospital gown with briefs (tighty whities) underneath,do the briefs have to come off when receiving an injection in the butt? I've been told they will have to come off for the injection,is this true that they have to come off?

How to get my girlfriend to come back(we've been together for over a year)?

I ignored her(for a couple weeks, she didn't even try to talk to me either) for neglecting me. I decided that was wrong to do,so I apologized & said I loved her. Now she's ignoring me for over 2 months and counting(missed my birthday too). I stopped contacting her after I apologized. She recently made a facebook account and added a friend of mine(she knows him thru me) and talks to him on there a lot(hes married), im sure just so i'd notice her/get jealous, she didn't add me. No contact between us for months.Shes stubborn and wants to prove to me that she can leave me(we've broken up/got back together a lot). I tried calling her today; but my cell # was blocked, but didnt block me from fbook?My friend just blocked her from fbook.What should I do to get her back?

I think this might work?

I don't think it will work.... She'll/he'll ask you to remove them again to avoid anything getting in the way. They need to swipe your butt with alcohol first anyways before they inject you... as embarrassing as it is, your tighty whities need to come off, and your butt needs to be exposed.

What kind of jewelry should i wear with a dark blue/black dress?

its a strapless, dark blue dress, with a cutout at the side of the gown, and it has a few dark blue/gray gemstones, im planning to wear my hair up

How to write an apology letter to a friend?

I'm trying to apologize to this girl because she means a lot to me. The last time we talked to each other was at high school and we haven't been in contact since. So now I'm trying to write to her an apology letter. I'm really unsure if this is a good letter to send because I never really had to write an apology letter before. So please help me by giving me some suggestions or tips on how to write a good apology letter.

How can future be uncertain if EVERYTHING must happen in accordance with the 'cause and effect' principle?

It is as uncertain as we make it...or unmake it. Given enough power to gather information, ultimately, we should be able to be certain of everything. But until then, the future is just as ignorant as we are. Perhaps that is what makes the future unknown as we sense it; we can't see the totality of existence as it pushes itself forward.

Would you be confused?

I know this is really silly. I have a fairly new friend who lives near me. She is getting a home hairdresser and I suggested I come over too and get my hair done and she said that was a good idea. Last night, she and a couple of other friends came over for dinner and she said that she had made the appointment and I said that I would ring the hairdresser to see if she could fit me in too. She said that it was ok. I said that don't you remember we spoke about it and she said she'd just get her hair done. I was confused and I felt the atmosphere go weird wondering what on earth had happened. At the end of the night, when we could talk alone, I asked her what was going on and she explained that she has an embarrassing problem and doesn't want to get her hair done in front of others and that it wasn't personal. I said that was fine and apologised for offending her in any way. After she had left, it just kept playing over in my head as to why she just didn't flat out refuse me when I first suggested it. I felt very awkward in front of the other ladies when it happened. What would you have done? Do I have a right to feel perplexed? I also feel really silly and feel like I did something wrong and feel dense for not reading the situation right.

My girlfriend is still friends with her ex?

Long story short, my girlfriend's ex is part of her like friendship group sorta thing, and when i go out with her and her other mates who i get along with he's obviously bound to be there, anyway last night we all went out and she seemed to talk to him alot more than i was comfortable with, this confused me because when me and her first started seeing each other she said he treated her like crap in their relationship and she didn't like him as a friend or anything, now she's saying they're mates etc. Anyway we had a little tiff about it in town and he was asking her ohhh you alright etc, we made up, i was meant to be staying at hers but said i was gonna go home because of this and she flipped, i apologised and went back to hers at the end of the night etc. Anyway in the morning i was on her phone playing angry birds (lol) when i just so happened to stumble across her message inbox to see texts from her ex from a few days ago, nothing incriminating but just seemed to bother me because there were texts from her going remember to text me happy birthday and everything when you get back from travelling xx, meh and just yeah seemed to bother me. I cant tell her who to be friends with but have i got reason to be a little annoyed?

Is Dwight L. Moody's Doctrine that "God loves Sinners" the greatest "Jedi Mind-Trick" ever? What is "Love"?

God's love and human love are two different loves. We can't love like He can. He created us and then incarnated HImself to suffer and die for us. HAve you ever created something and died for it?

My Bestfriend kissed my crush?

okay so me and this girl i like..and my two other friends..and we we went doing nothing kinky like that. but we were in a store and she walked away and so did my friend i thought they just went separate ways and going to buy something and im like "time to make my move". i followed her ending up seeing her and my best friend in a Deep make out...soo i need help dealing with this. she didn't see me but he did.. later he apologized and said she came on to him.. and she did. so should i keep chasing this girl.. and should i forgive my friend thanks in advance

I have an idea,maybe this will work?

Now is not the time to be modest. The doctors and nurses have seen it all but the gowns are open in the back. I can relate to what you are going through especially if you get lucky and have a cute nurse give you that shot. You could request for a male nurse.

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Should i bring this up to my mom?

Just let it be and it may be better to tell her about things in your life if it would help you in the future.

What do you think of people who talk, text or eat noisily in the theater?

I hate that, but what I hate more is people who masturbate in movie theaters. I went to see Black Swan with a friend and some guy behind me was jacking off to the scene where Mila and Natalie are making out and Mila eats Natalies....well you know. And then I hear him climax and he shoots his load into MY popcorn. It was like bullet. RIGHT into my popcorn. Stupid jackass! >:O

Is this really true,is it required?

When wearing a hospital gown with briefs (tighty whities) underneath,do the briefs have to come off when receiving an injection in the butt? I've been told they will have to come off for the injection,is this true that they have to come off?

Ramadan: In accordance to Islam does a woman have the right to question a man she does not know?

Other than her brother,father, son and husband does a woman have the right to argue,insult and question a man? Quote hadiths either way?

Do Army officers go to war? ROTC?

Somebody has to be in charge when we go to combat. While NCOs are the ones who usually give instructions to the privates and specialists they have officers over them at the platoon level and higher. In your case, if you're a female your chances of ever having to kill anybody are about a little higher than your chances of winning the lottery. Females are barred by law from having any job that involves direct combat. But that doesn't mean you'll stay in the US, you might be in charge of a group of Soldiers whether they're truck drivers, engineers, and more. With that, if the situation comes up you may find yourself having to kill somebody in self-defense. Just because you would hesitate doesn't mean the enemy will especially when you're talking about people who want you dead for no reason other than the fact that you're walking around without a burka on your face. If you are so against the possibility of fighting then you shouldn't join the military. No job you can get as an officer in the Army will guarantee you a spot in the US for your entire career.

What are the methods used to deal with hazards in accordance with workplace policies and legal requirements?

Please don't say to read the HSE book as this doesn't help for me. 10 points for the most explanatory answer as I am still trying to get my head round this.

Anybody ever done this?

I been recently like disrepecting my mom, like for ex call her lazy ***, I kind of kicked her not hard but like from 1 to 10 , 4. I really feel terrible, I always apologize after I don't know what's wrong with me. I'm not in a relationship. I'm 18 yrs old, I work, I don't know why I act like this I need help

What are the methods used to deal with hazards in accordance with workplace policies and legal requirements?

Please don't say to read the HSE book as this doesn't help for me. 10 points for the most explanatory answer as I am still trying to get my head round this.

HELP ME PLEASE..with this letter?

do not re-new your contract, don't cancel your contract either because this makes you voluntarily homeless, the council will not see it as you being homeless you must be evicted. To do this tell the landlord you will not be paying anymore rent after contract runs out tell him its because of the reasons that you have stated in your letter. The landlord will serve you with a notice of eviction to leave the premises because he is not going to renew your contract this should be 30 days depending on your contract you will have to pay this month to avoid getting bad credit but don't pay straight away make him wait or he will withdraw the notice. If your not bothered about your credit don't pay any rent at all he will soon want you out. Take Your letter of eviction to the council saying you will be homeless on that date stated on your letter and by law they have to re house you. The only way the landlord can get you out will be to take you to court so this may take 3 months. If you really don't care about your credit then don't pay anything not even your utility bills because the landlord is responsible for these and he will have to pay them, it will be a little pay back for you for not having the proper facilities that anyone deserves. Hope this is of some help to you.

I am a bit worried about this?

yes you will have to take off your whities. But its ok what happens there stays there. Dont be shy they are just doing their job. But you can also ask for privacy it is your right. Just let them know

I hate my mother, you HAVE to read this, it is all real!?

I hate my mother so much, you seriously have to read this and think if it is normal. No question surrounds that my mother and i have never seen eye to eye. I am a straight a student, achived 3a*s and 8a's at GCSE and 4 A's at A level. My mother's response to me doing well after my sociology a level and getting an a was not well done son but rather i got an a in sociology in the most spiteful and harsh tone ever. Before my a level exam actually it was my mother's day off and she had already said she would not be taking me to school as she wanted a lie in. That was fine, i got the bus to and fro school for every exam and so it didnt bother me, however the way she acted this day really pissed me off. My exam was actually at 2 and she couldnt be bothered to even get out of bed at even 1 o'clock to drive me to school but the reason she would not get out of bed is because i could vividly and clear as day hear her having sex with her boyfriend. I had an important a level exam and my mother refused to take me at 1 o'clcok in the afternoon because she was too busy having sex, surely that's not right!?!. I confronted her about this and her response to this was not i'm sorry but rather, and i quote as i can remember, "it's my house, not your's, i will do what i fuc**ing want". I was ten minutes late for my exam because i had to get the bus but i couldnt even be bothered with the hassle of telling her. 3 days later, i woke up for school and she had left for work, i went in to the bathroom and she had left a used condom in the toilet present for everyone to see, including my 14 year old brother, absolutely disgusting. Her response to this was again, "its my ******ing house, i will do what the fu*k i want". My brother needed the bathroom so i had to fish a used condom out of the toilet. Obviously i confronted her about this and she literally went off on the biggest rant i have ever witnessed, swearing left right and centre, when i was talking to her in a manner, raised as it was due to what she had did, never swearing at her. She has also came down the stair's on christmas day with her dressing gown wide open as she was drunk from the night before. She has done this several times and one time she answered the door to my friend, who was then 15 with here dressing gown, as usual wide open, with everything on show and when i tell her to put some clothes on she constantly for some uknown reason tells me to fu**k off and stop trying to be her dad. This is not the behaviour of a woman functioning normally surely. My brother has also witnessed her having sex with her bedroom door wide open at 9 o'clock in the evening and my brother said her boyfriend (her 2nd boyfriend out of 6 in a space of 6 years actually looked at him and just carried on. My brother was in tears and came into my room. My mother accused him of lying saying he was making it up even though she could be heard clearly even downstairs and he would not lie or make up a story about such a thing. The amount of times my mother has said that she wished i never lived in the house and that she didnt have to know me can not be counted. She talks to me like i am subhuman and near enough every day, every couple of hours tells me to fu**k off and launches into a torrent of abuse for god knows reasons. The very moment i am writing this for instance, just two hours earlier, beacuse i have no money as i am saving up for univeristy and am in the limbo between exam results and university and so can not realisticly find a job that will be happy to employ me and get rid of me in 2 months, i couldnt go out today as i have no money. She launched with abuse about how i have no friends and go fu**k off and live somewhere else. This is commonplace, she constantly swears it me and i cannot honestly remeber the last time she has talked to me without swearing at me, i dont swear at her, you have to believe me, i really dont. This is not normal, i didnt even say anything to her to induce anything! She constantly lowers my self esteem as well and always makes me feel self conscious about my weight and appeareance. On one occasion she said to me do you think your good looking and i replied i'm average i suppose to which, my mother laughed and said something under her breath. This post contains just a small number of incidents with my, and i hate to say it, my mother. I can not begin to express the hundereds of other times she has done stuff like this. On a final note, i will talk about how the last time she has took me and my brother on holiday was when i was 10 years old. I understand she doenst have alot of money but the thing is she has been on holiday every year since with one of her many boyfriends. Do you guys think what i have said in this post is how a normal mother behaves. You have to believe me, i really not am lying, i am not that type of person. Everything i have said here is real. What do you guys think of

Are there any real life princesses/royalty that are like the disney princesses?

Present day princesses still dress up for official occasions, and they may wear gowns for balls at court etc. You might cheer your daughter up perhaps by showing her a video of the recent royal wedding of Prince William and Kate Middleton, Kate looks very princessy in that.

Why do liberals use the term "subsidy" when they are referring to expenses that oil companies deduct?

There isn't a material difference between a deduction and a subsidy; either way, the cash flow is the same. Referring to special tax breaks as a subsidy is a useful tactic when pointing out that they're really not needed.

Feedback question on ebay?

So I was selling my game on Ebay and somebody won the auction for 60 dollars. I was pretty disappointed with the price, and the buyer had not payed me yet, so I figured Id sell it to my buddy for 70. I contacted the buyer saying I no longer had it and opened a transaction cancel case thing. This was already a stupid move on my part I realized later, so i got it back from my buddy and sent the buyer a message saying to disregard the cancellation request. But instead he just said that "I still want the item I am the winner buyer and in accordance to eBay I have 4 business days to pay" as if he completely ignored my messages altogether. I explained to him and apologized about it professionally, but he did not message me back. He already payed for the item, and I'm shipping tomorrow. Because he only buys items, he has all 100% feedback, so I don't know if he's a good buyer or not. I'm afraid that he may leave me negative feedback and there's nothing I can do about it. What should I do?

What will happen in this situation?

When wearing a hospital gown and my briefs (tighty whities) underneath,will my briefs have to come off when receiving an injection in the butt? I've heard they might have to come off for the injection,is this true that they have to come off or can they stay on?

How do i handle this HELLPP :(?

okay, so me and my cosine got into a huge fight and to make a long story short we both made mistakes and in the end i was the one to say sorry lets fix it. ahe tried befor but she didnt say lets fix it she said lets just barey talk....that hurt because we were like sisters and it wasnt even over a huge fight but anyway im just like fine get past it and i wanted to fix it completley not barley talk, she said no and never apologized and is now ignoring me. i didn't even do anything bad so anyway if she wasn't family i wouldn't care but she is and there are a LOTT of big bdays coming up and im sure the family will have a party...she is more popular so to speak with the family because she sees them more then i do so when we go to a family event what do i do? she hates me and we usually are stuck like glue its going to be torture how to i act. its hard to ignore it...any advice?

Wearing a hospital gown?

When wearing a hospital gown with underwear (tighty whities) underneath,do the tighty whities have to come off when receiving an injection in the butt? I've been told they will have to come off for the injection,is this true that they have to come off?

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

What's your favourite thing about weddings/receptions/evening do's?

i like socialising with everyone - drinking,dancing,sharing funny stories about the bride and groom.of course the first dance and getting to see the gown up close

Will this idea of mine work?

Yes - your undies will be in the way, and they are not sterile. Sorry, but (no pun intended) you have to grin and bear it. Sorry.

Is it okay for a Muslim to be fat?

i'm muslim and i'm fat. i do not eat too much but my metabolism rate is low. so i become fat. it is not haram. to eat a lot until wasting is makruh. to be fat is never a sin

My Ford Ranger has its fuel filter readily accessible and I change it in accordance...?

with established maintenance schedule however, my 2000 Acura 3.2 TL (139K miles) has its fuel filter (sock) attached to the suction side of the electric fuel pump located inside the gas tank. Obviously it's much harder to replace it and no way of checking it except conducting a fuel pressure test. How long do these filters last before they start affecting fuel flow? Or, just wait until you experience engine problems I guess.

10 points,easy question!?

recently me and my bestfriend had a argument about a week ago, but she won't forgive me and every time i try to say something nice to her and apologize she just puts "haha" or something along those lines, and even if i do try to apologize i know that she will tell someone what i have said to her and start to laugh about it, but i don't want her to not be in my life, as i don't want to be a "tag along" too some one else as they might think of me as using them because i have had a argument with the person i normally hang round with, but as usual, our "gang" went to her side.

When wearing the "wonderful" hospital gown?

When wearing a hospital gown with underwear (tighty whities) underneath,do the tighty whities (briefs)have to come off when receiving an injection in the butt? I've been told they will have to come off for the injection,is this true that they have to come off?

Customer shoved his glass in my hands to be refilled?

Don't take it personally. You couldn't have done anything differently and you can't change people's bad attitudes. Likely they treat everyone in their lives like that. As for the restaurant, it sounds like it's chaotic and not well managed. Put in a few weeks and see how you feel after that. You can always look for other work if the atmosphere at this restaurant is consistently like this.

Do I Leave him alone? Or apologize to him?

say sorry you ******* wanker **** pussyhole **** pissed cunty ****** dickeded wanker ****** ****** and thats whyb you shouod say sorry!

What to bring into hospital?

honestly, the hospital usually supplies pads, diapers, wipes and all that... just bring anything that would make you feel comfortable (pack for about 5 days just in case you have to stay a little longer for any reason)

Heading to the emergency room soon?

if they tell u 2 take off then u take it off. like the previous answer, they have seen it all!! ur going to hospital for heavens sakes.

What I should do, have no friends!?

I have some friends. I dont really talk to alot of girls in my school, because I cant trust these girls, they're very immature and pathetic. I have friends from other schools, but live a little far. My problem is I lost a friend because I confronted her about how I know she talks **** about me to other girls. I told her I cant believe after all these years of our friendship you have the guts to talk behind my back, I told her how much it hurts. It really bothers me! Noone told me she did but she does talk alot of crap about her other bestfriends so Im 100% sure she does about me too. I saw one of her text messages talking about how I `play` guys. I did not intentionally go through her text messages, she told me to hold her phone while she gave her speech and I needed to check the time so I pressed the button because she has a BlackBerry her conversation was still there so I see my name, and continued to read it. Minutes before our argument I told her how I dont feel comfortable with her talking to her friends about our problems, I told her to talk to our mutual friends because they have a neutral mind, they know how I am and they know how she is, as opposed to the other c*nts trying to break our friendship by putting sh*t in her mind. My other bestfriend is gone to Cuba for the Summer, the other one has work and the last one is pretty busy. I texted her apologizing but she didnt reply, I feel like a dumbass for apologizing. I basically have no friends to hang out with in the Summer, I really dont want this Summer to suck. I have a crush on this guy and I keep seeing him, and I have a feeling he feels the same way. He kept staring at me when I was on my driveway, he was about to approach me but I got into my friends car. I wanna talk to him but I cant go alone to the plaza, I need someone to go with me. I really hate my life right now, not having anyone there for you feels like f*cking ****. I dont know how to freaking make new friends. How should I make new friends? What should I do with my friend that I got into a fight with? Thanks guys! I just dont have anyone to talk to about my problems so I resulted to Yahoo Answers!

What do you think about this?

Generally, when you get a shot in the butt your pants have to be pulled down. I wouldn't say that you can't put your underwear back on, but you would have to pull it down in the back. At least that way you won't have your frank and beans hanging out:)

I want to say sorry to my mother any help on how?

Just tell her you're really sorry, and maybe do something nice for her, like take her to dinner or something. Moms love that kind of stuff. :]

Does he like me! i can't think!?

Any normal situation would be easy to tell. But it's harder since we have a history. We went on a date before and I really liked him and he seemed to like me. But then he just became distant and said things like it's not you it's me. And said things were difficult in his life. So i stopped talking to him as much. Later when we became friends again, he would always apologize about what happened with me. And I'd brush it off. Then he'd always ask later on if i had a boyfriend or was flirting with anyone. Then would play it off as telling me to be safe. I'd ignore him a lot after that when he would text or i.m. But soon I randomly started to fall for him again and text him back. He seemed happy and said we should hang out more and things like that. He even said we should go hang out and see a movie soon. I'm still not sure if he meant date. He never clarified on our first one. So I can't get out of my mind if he likes me or not. I feel like he thinks i text too much. But when i don't he asks why. He doesn't seem to like to talk to me. I even went out my way to eat pizza at his job yesterday with my last money just to see him. And he just acted funny then later said he thought i was mad at him. I just can't tell. With the past, and how he seems bored when we text. And never clarifies the date. I wish i knew if he was thinking about me as much as i think about him...

Annulment issues... I need help understanding this letter I just got in the mail this morning.?

To me it sounds like they're saying that there's reasonable doubt that the issues have been proven. It would be wise to contact the issuing party for clarification.

Pronunciation of the old norse name FENRISULFR?

FENRIS�LFR: In mythology, this is the name of a wolf, the son of Loki and the giantess Angrbo�a, popularly translated "swamp wolf," but probably originally meaning "wolf of hell." According to Sophus Bugge, author of The Home of The Eddic Poems, this name cannot possibly mean "swamp wolf," for there does not exist in Old Norse any derivative endings as -rir, or -ris. He believes Fenrir and Fenris arose under the influence of Christian conceptions of the devil as lupus infernus, combined with tales of the Behemoth and the beast of the Apocalypse, and was altered in form in accordance with popular Old Norse etymology. He compares Old Norse fern from Latin infernus to Old Saxon fern which was derived from Latin infernum, and explains that Fenrir and Fenris must have been formed from *Fernir from fern using the endings -ir and gen. -is, both of which were very much used in mythical names, including names of giants. He goes on to explain that the later connection with fen ("fen, swamp, mire") was natural, for hell and lower regions, such as the abyss, are often connected by imagination just as they still are today.

Is this a scam or is it true,i received it today?

Anytime you get anything that says you won something and they need your bank account number or other personal information it's a scam. Copy that and e-mail it to the attorney general.

What do you think about this?

The hospital will probably NOT ask you to remove your underwear. For an injection, you just have to pull them down a bit. Don't worry about it. But why do you keep asking this question over and over??

Should I Choose This Ball Gown Wedding Dress?

I like both a lot, probably the first one a little more than the second. The only advice I have is, you mentioned your height...I'm not very tall either and know both gowns would make me look like a cupcake. I would try them (or a similar gown) on first before buying one to make sure the dress doesn't wear you instead of you wearing the dress.

Will this have to happen?

When wearing a hospital gown with briefs (tighty whities) underneath,do the briefs have to come off when receiving an injection in the butt? I've been told they will have to come off for the injection,is this true that they have to come off?

Anti-Catholic Protestants: When's the last time you?

You realise that the Protestants that you are talking to (and I am not one of them), could make a list that is just as convincing as yours detailing the positive practices of their particular denomination.

Monday, August 8, 2011

Why did the Jew survive the onslaughts of Time, when others, numerically and politically stronger, succumbed?

but maybe also because the Lord God has given the Jewish people a sound mind and has promised that there would always be a descendant of Daivd on the throne . God bless . So yes the Jewish people are blessed asl long as they do not go after other gods and worship them.

Proof reading, one paragraph checking grammar and punctuation? please best answer and 10 points straight away?

As a group carrying out this task on an early year setting, it was noticed there is a wide demand on childcare provision; this is both in private and non private sector. These provisions are very demandable and are in immense need to the society. All child care provisions require an early year educator to run these settings in order to work effectively with children and parents in accordance to the policy and procedure guidelines. These provision require qualifications, experience etc.

When wearing the "wonderful" hospital gown?

When wearing a hospital gown with underwear (tighty whities) underneath,do the tighty whities (briefs)have to come off when receiving an injection in the butt? I've been told they will have to come off for the injection,is this true that they have to come off?

What is a good way to punish your boyfriend?

Caught my boyfriend in a lie because I asked him to stay in and work on his college courses and he said he would but then he went down to the beach. He needs to keep up a gpa in order to get money for school, he doesnt have the gpa he needs right now or the money to pay his own way. I was upset he went but he told me he was thrown out of his house and this was the only place he could stay. That was a lie because his mom called me asking if i heard from him because she hadnt heard from him in two days. he also got off the phone with me earlier to say his mom was calling him. His mom told me that he had not been thrown out of his house he told her about this trip earlier in the week. I am pretty hurt by this, I did not see it coming. I know he did not cheat on me while he was down there but why did we have to lie. I think punish is a bad word I do not want to be that weirdo girlfriend but I think that I am worth a little more than to be lied to. I am having trouble thinking of a way to deal with this. When we fight usually it is a scream match untill we both calm down and apologize. I did nothing wrong and now I really dont believe he is sorry just sorry he got caught. He also knew his mom had my cell number so its his own dumb fault he didnt call her. How should I make it known that he isnt getting away with this i am really hurt by not just screaming at him for it

Do You Think This Is What The Divas Division Should Look Like?

Yes, that would be great if wwe ever did it which I doubt since Vince dosent help wwe anymore, if the Divas division was like that it would be great and help the divas division a lot so it would be awesome if wwe did do that and I hope sometime in the future that happens so it would be great to see divas turning face and heel and there should be longer divas matches so that can help the divas division also. So that's what I think about your idea. Your idea would be great and help the wwe a lot.

Is it weird that children still seem to like me now that I'm 20?

I actually did read the entire "question" and I do not think you should be worried at all or think its weird. Children have a way of picking up on who likes children and who doesn't (as well as who can relate to them) and they naturally gravitate towards those who do. Sounds like its nothing more than a girft you have and a sign you'll be a great mother one day!

Is she leaving me or am i just being stupid?

My Other half went on Holiday last week and i began to miss her a lot so i called and text-ed her allot and i Will accept i may be been very clingy overly clingy i apologised to her but now that she is back she is ignoring allot of my calls and texts she blanks me on facebook and claim i am catching her at the wrong time Aka she has to go out just as i call or start a conversation we have been dating for 11 months this august

Notification of aircraft accidents?

You should probably look at OSHA publications for that answer. NTSB is only concerned if the accident occurred in a phase of flight.

Who is this one-day troll "Thanks for your answer! It's a valuable result"?

These questions are asked by spambots. They are automated and usually copy/pasted from previous years on Yahoo, or from other similar sites. A spambot asks the question and another spambot answers it. Look for the generic Yahoo avatars of the answerbots and really really average names like Bettina Smythe (some of them are so average they make me laugh). The answerbots (my term) always have an impossibly high best answer percentage. Any question with a best answer that is told "Thanks for your answer. It's a valuable result.." (always two fullstops) is a spambot. Once the answerbot is bumped up to level 2 and they can post live links to other sites, their IDs are sold to spammers. Report them! How does this equate with your theory?

What's Your Sleeping Style?

I normally have my hand against my face and facing towards the wall. But then, when i'm asleep i'm probably in all different positions. Always the side by the wall so I can cuddle up against it so i'm snug. I sleep in my underwear because I don't have pyjamas and don't sleep in socks.

How to use ice cream machine?

icecream is nice snack, where r you from , I like to travel everwhere, do you welcome me to your shop?

Ex boyfriend trouble? how is he feeling?

Ex-boyfriend apologized to me after 3 months of not talking, we've been broken up for 7. Stares at me a lot an turns around to look at me. If I'm talking to someone near him, he looks over my face. He was sitting in my friends car and I told him to lower the music and he just looked at me and pretended not to hear me and kept smiling and we never broke eye contact until I looked away. He's constantly facing in my direction. He walked away, I sat in my friends car and he walked back over a few minutes later and he insisted on standing by the door that was right next to me. Afterward, I was sitting online and he randomly IMed me. He even apologized when he didn't answer. He had to sit next to me and we were touching each other and he didn't pull away. He was bored and tired one night but he stayed and hung out with a small group of us anyway. Out of the 5 of us, there was me, a girl who's dating his friend, someone he's not really close with and a kid he wouldn't just stay out to hang out with. He even re-added me on Facebook after he left. He IMed me again last night. What's he doing? 2 hours ago -4 days left to answer. Additional Details He also had the chance to make fun of me but then I looked up at him and he just didn't.

The infamous hospital gown?

When wearing a hospital gown with underwear (tighty whities) underneath,do the tighty whities (briefs) have to come off when receiving an injection in the butt? I've been told they will have to come off for the injection,is this true that they have to come off?

Ideas for a Voldemort costume?

I'm going to a HP convention and dressing up as Voldemort and I'm not sure what to wear. I already have a graduation gown which I will wear over whatever I wear underneath but it's just sort of a robe, as in it doesn't tie together at the front. Do you have any ideas? :D I'm a girl by the way, might affect ideas as to what clothes I have lying around :)

What do you think of people who talk, text or eat noisily in the theater?

I think what the **** are they doing here to see a movie when they aren't even watching. They ruin it for everyone else and they should be kicked out with no refund whatsoever.

Question about sexism in religion?

no man can live happily without a woman and the opposite is true and since all these religions were from God the creator of human being ,THe knower of what is good for us He encourage marriage so it is not encouraging only sex but is to get a partner that you can share your feelings together ,so get that right

Please i need help ???i have sent my informational details only?

It's a spam. Next time don't reply to them . I get those a lot but I'm not sure about your personal info just don't give your bank acct. Or ssn. You will recieve a lot of mail from them since you give your address and email sometimes they treaten you but don't be alarm just click spam.

Which girl should I choose?

well....this is a huge mess....that woman pat is too old...find some one young and exciting like you

What is proper wording for a Freedom Of Information request NYStatePolice to get name of Mafia Leader Utica NY?

The wording is not the issue. The issue is they feel your request is an exception to the Freedom of Information Act. If releasing the information may create problems, they can deny your request.

How to apolOgize to my mom?

I'm 20 and I just told my mom that it's embarrassing to drop me off at a party. Ok so o just got my License on Tuesday and I'm a good driver, but still without a car, I asked my mom to borrow her car and she said no but she could drop me off and I told her it will be embarrassing but she took it the wrong way and started telling all he past times of me doing dumb things. I tried telling her im sorry but she wouldn't listen. What can I do??

Is this really true or not?

When wearing a hospital gown with briefs (tighty whities) underneath,do the briefs have to come off when receiving an injection in the butt? I've been told they will have to come off for the injection,is this true that they have to come off?

Can Dissociative identity disorder and Borderline Personality Disorder seem similar?

It is possible to have both DID and BPD. Sometimes patients who have DID are misdiagnosed several times b4 they are correctly dx'd as having DID. BPD is more about failure to be able to regulate emotions, and many with BPD do have a traumatic history. DID is more about the time loss and confusion and trauma and being more than one person inside of only one body. Most people do not meet ALL of the requirements of any diagnosable mental illness- and may have a few characteristics of one issue and a few characteristics of another and another-- you are dx'd based on your behavior and how you answer questions and how you describe symptoms. It is based on how you portray yourself to be in front of them. Try the treatment for BPD (which is usually DBT, therapy, and medicine). If it doesn't work, it's time to try something else, that's all. One step at a time.

What color tie do I wear under my graduation gown?

our school colors are purple and white so the gown will probably be blue or purple. I'm wearing a white dress shirt underneath but I'm not sure what tie I should wear

Why don't modern CO2 records match direct measurments for the past 250 years?

It is very difficult to measure CO2 accurately. If you did it in a fairly crowded building, it would be several times the levels that are shown in places like the top of a mountain in Hawaii. That being said, I don't trust CO2 levels in ice cores as being accurate. It takes too long for the ice to become sealed. There are other problems like solubility and differentially forcing out certain molecules like you get in a reverse osmosis system. There are studies such as the stomata in leaves studies that shows that CO2 varies considerably more than ice cores suggest. Mostly the old tests weren't reliable. The new test, ice cores, that are used by alarmists isn't reliable either though.

Are Your Cats Old Enough To Learn About Jesus?

God has way to communicate with every living thing...And every living thing will know tht Jesus is Lord

I wonder is he upset with me?

I have a friend I haven't seen in a long time and he recently wrote me a letter because I'm so far away he stated " Sometimes, being I haven't been around for so long, some people I feel too disengaged; I barely have anything to say, Its sad sometimes". We must have an mutual agreement and understanding to call each other on our mistakes and faults and errors!! It is our duty as friends to correct each other and ourselves, with humility, when we are wrong!! To hold ourselves to less would be diminishing!! We would only be betraying ourselves, for we must behave in accordance with who we want to be!! In the words of Niall Ferguson,"Its NOT the fault of the mirror if it reflects our blemishes as clearly as our beauty"....WHAT IS HE SAYING???

I have an idea,maybe it will work?

Not much effort involved in putting on your underwear, but it will likely be wasted effort. I would get over your concerns - medical professionals have seen many body parts. There is nothing to be concerned or modest about. I would patiently wait in the hospital gown and read a magazine.

Can I change the date of my flight from my visa?

the date on my visa is "from june 23, 2011" but can I rebook my ticket after that date on my visa? I am so confused because of their note "in accordance to the new schengen agreement and regulations being implemented as of april 5, 2010 the flight booking/ticket should be submitted upon the filing of visa application and recommended that no changes be made in the travel itinerary. therefore, we inform all visa applicants that the italian embassy in manila will absolutely NO responsibility for refusal of entry by any schengen member state as a result of changes made in your travel bookings." please answer my question. thanks...

Sunday, August 7, 2011

My boyfriend always says "f*** you" or "f*** off" to me?

He says it in a joking manner, but it still bothers me. He has never said it out of anger or to intentionally hurt me. I've told him before that it bothers me when he says it, but he says it just slips out because that's the way he talks with his friends and roommates. He apologized and said he wouldn't say those things to me anymore, but I still find him saying it a lot. Am I being unreasonable by being upset about this? Even though I know he's just messing around, I still feel like he shouldn't be talking to me like that.

Wearing a hospital gown?

When wearing a hospital gown with briefs (tighty whities) underneath,do the briefs have to come off when receiving an injection in the butt? I've been told they will have to come off for the injection,is this true that they have to come off?

I called my girlfriend "Fat" and now she's all Pissed!?

We were having an arguement and she started to call me very offensive I called her fat. That's right.....she called me all these names and I just called her...."fat" and she got all pissed like a madwoman. Now she doesn't want text me or talk to me and it's been almost 2 days. Is this my fault....granted, I know according to feminists a girl can call a guy 8 different names but a guy can't even call her 1 name....but should I really apologize or should I just let this thing go because obviously she isn't mature enough or manly enough to apologize herself.

What's Your Sleeping Style?

I normally have my hand against my face and facing towards the wall. But then, when i'm asleep i'm probably in all different positions. Always the side by the wall so I can cuddle up against it so i'm snug. I sleep in my underwear because I don't have pyjamas and don't sleep in socks.

Should i tell my friend how stupid she is acting?

Ok. A guy came to visit me, i reli like him and we're sort of going out. Anyhow when he came, my friend desperately wanted to go out, so i said okay, but i told her id be late. She didnt reli listen, she was like nope meet me at 8:30...but i clearly told her noo cnt make it that early..anyway she wouldnt listen nd she hanged up...she is very spoiled, selfish and obnoxious btw. Anyway i was one hour late coz i missed a bus, the bus dropped me off somweher else, then i had to walk fr ten min. When i finally saw her, she was upset and she was like "ive been waiting for an hour, im going home", i apolgized a million times, called her but she ignored...she made me look like **** in front of the guy etc NEVER late! This one ******* mistake, nd i said sorry soo many times..she wouldnt even text me and my friend went out for dinner...she was there...she ignored me she never sed hi or bye...or even looked at me! **** HER. I ignored her too...u know how many times she left me alone in town when she was wif guys...But she is so ******* immature and stupid that she doesnt realize all the wrong she does to others. She says stuff that hurt others. She is sooooooo self-centered. She always says stuff like "I wanted to do modelling...and they didnt accept me...i was like wtf" she thinks she is a goddess...she aint that pretty (she is cute bt not hot...) she is soooo ******* annoying. She is sersly a toxic friend. What do u think i should do...ive stopped talking to her...nt gonna lose my dignity by apologizing again anymore....i did what was u reli think what i did was THAT bad...i mean i know it was bad...but sersly she fights wif so many ppl and bitches bout everyone bout stupid sick of her arghhhhh....anyway yehhh dunno if i should say anything or jst ignore...she then organized a party wif my friends and didnt invite me. Everytime she fights wif someone, she immeadiately organizes a party and excludes that person...WTF? can someone give me advice on how to calm down...coz im getting sooooo angry everytime i think bout all the crap she has done to me or sed to me.

Does anyone know anything about sterling infosystems inc........?

I got a letter in the mail from them saying a letter has been sent to my employer and the report contains public record information which may not be fully up to date? I recently got a new job and I'm confused what this means. It also states no further action is required on my part and the notification has been sent in accordance with and is mandated by the Fair Credit Reporting Act. Any clue and should I be worried?

10 points,easy question!?

recently me and my bestfriend had a argument about a week ago, but she won't forgive me and every time i try to say something nice to her and apologize she just puts "haha" or something along those lines, and even if i do try to apologize i know that she will tell someone what i have said to her and start to laugh about it, but i don't want her to not be in my life, as i don't want to be a "tag along" too some one else as they might think of me as using them because i have had a argument with the person i normally hang round with, but as usual, our "gang" went to her side.

Do you think this may possibly work?

You should not ever have to remove your underpants in the hospital. There is a such thing as a code of decency. Don't remove your briefs, there is no reason to. When the nurse or doctor comes in to give the shot, pull your briefs half way, take the shot, pull them up. It is not necessary to be nude under the gown.

How can you calculate the bend on space time in accordance to a certain mass?

I am specifically looking for the effects on a 2D plane, such as if you were looking at the bend in a trampoline.

How do you calculate torque on a trebuchet lever arm?

It should be � weight of counterweight arm times its length. The reason is that the weight of the arm itself provides torque. Multiplying by 1/2 accounts for the fact that its weight is not concentrated at the end but rather distributed,

How do i gain control back in the relationship?

i have been dating this guy for about 10 months.. and to be honest he can be a bit immature with things... i love him to death and he is super affectionate and everything but he doesn't handle arguments very well.. when he is mad at me or upset he gives me the cold shoulder.. and i mean super icy cold,, i could be asking him a direct question and he would act like i'm not even there. he is starting to get better in that regard, but for the most part in times of arguments when i know i didn't do anything wrong at all, i am the one ending up apologizing because i just want things to be better, i tell him things like "i don't know what i did to upset you, but whatever i did i'm sorry" trying to understand where he is coming from, however, he never really gives me an insight of what is bothering him, and if he does it's not till a long time later.. what is the best way to handle that? should i leave and then give it time to talk about it? or what is a good way to handle an argument when the other person isn't discussing with you what is bothering them...

Does it usually work out when your friend does this or does karma break them up? Like, for what they did to u.?

I recently went through a break up with my ex, not that long ago. I was with her for quite some time. We were even talking about our future but eventually she dumped me. Eventually she started apologizing to me and telling me the mistake she made. And right before she was about to come back to me, my best friend flirts with her and wins/steals her. He knew I was not over her and I told him that but he's like "I don't care, I like her so get over it..." I seriously love her more than he ever will. And the other day, I secretly heard a conversation between him and his friend and he said "if she breaks up with me like she did to justin, I don't care." He seems to not care about her and just want a relationship. I wish she could realize that I'M the one who truly loves her. My friend aka her new bf doesn't seem to give a crap about her but I'm afraid if I tell her, she'll think I'm jealous and purposely trying to break them up. I want her back though. I can't believe he did this... ={

Believers: Does the hysteria of atheists today inspire you to return to God with conviction?

Although Harold Camping did not preach in accordance with the words of the Bible, the end could come at any time. I find that the hooting of the faithless today turns my mind toward God and away from the foolishness of the world.

What do i do about this?

Just ask her, wait for the right time and bring up the situation. But I suggest you don't look up porn. God has better things for you and wants to give you a better life.

My girlfriend thinks I said she was desperate, but i didn't say that.?

Yeah but the way you said it sounded like you were calling her desperate. And a lot of people are not content with being single. I'm not content with being content with being. That's nothing to be ashamed of but that doesn't necessarily make people desperate. Anyway you seem like a really like nice and I can tell that you did not intent to offend her. You were just pointing something out. But yes apologize to her it just a simple mistake no big deal. It's not like call her easy or something.

What scene is depicted the best in The Shawshank Redemption in accordance to the book?

The first night in prison scene was well done in both. The book was longer, but the movie added some extra emotion (and violence) to it so it was very powerful.

My Zodiac Cancer Male went missing:(!!!?

Well, I'm a cancer female and I tend to take a step back (as in days or weeks) and evaluate everything if I really like the person. I think he has a lot on his plate right now and is unsure if he's ready to get emotionally invested in someone right now. Because when we Cancer's love, we love with all our heart! I would continue to write him, but don't expect him to start contacting you regularly anytime soon. You'll have to make it clear you're interested in being more than friends if you want him to kick in and be more engaged, and even then he may shy away at first. I have a terrible tendency to run away from my lovers. No one has understood me yet, I always come crawling back because I love them, but by that point they're too hurt to take me back. So, don't let feeligns of rejection EVER take you over. Because he does care about you and he finds you very intelligent.

Which girl would be the best one to choose?

Come on, really?? Pigtails and school girl skirts at a fancy dress party. All I can say is you have one vivid Imagination. Good for you

What should i do about this shy girl.. Help please lots of info :(?

Don't put so much pressure on yourselves. Maybe you could double date or go out with a group of people so you don't have to worry about being so shy. Once you hang out a few times it will be easier to do things one on one. Good luck!

What are factors that drove the Democrat Party to favor statism & the Republican Party to favor anti-statism?

I heard it had a lot to do with the New Deal. Liberals praised it and incorporated a strong belief in government intervention while conservatives rejected it, believing it was too much government intervention and not in accordance with the traditional American ways.

My boyfriend rarely calls me. I talk to him about it and he changed. But..?

that sounds really complicated but try calling him today and if he doesnt pick up leave him a voice mil and keep ur phone by u all day and make sure u dont do anything and if ur in th bath pick up anyway not like he can see you :) lolmake sure u appreciate all times u get to tlk to him texting or on the phone becus some guys dont even tlk to there gurlfriends


Okay so I'm a girl and I just graduated from high school a month back. There's this guy same age as me that i met 2 weeks before school ended. His name's Anthony. I saw him my freshmen year and thought he was soo hot. Honestly the kid kept getting hotter. Anyways lol, I noticed that junior when I'd walk by his group he'd always stare at me. Like a lot. After a while I got super annoyed cause all he would do was stare and not talk to me. Then senior year he continued to stare but even more obvious! I wasn't sure if he was staring cause he was interested or he couldn't get over how ugly I was. Then senior year, two weeks before school ended we talked for the first time, I was standing with one of his friends cause we were assigned a room together for a senior project speech. I was looking down at my shoes but I could feel him staring at me so I looked up and he got surprised and he gave like the cutest smile. Anthony and me got to talking that day and he left when it was time for my speech cause his classroom was on the other side of school. I talked to him the day after but only for a few minutes cause i was in a hurry. I sent him a friend request on facebook like a week after graduation. Then he asked for my number. So I gave it. He always texts first & replies in less than 3 minutes which is kinda cute. Cause most guys will have me text first and take like 10 minutes to reply. He kept like saying random dirty jokes and then he'd be like haha jk. I know he's kidding but I decided to ask are you hitting on me or what? He's like yeah haha i am hitting on you. I said why? He replied that he thinks I'm cute. We got to talking more and he said he wanted to hang out with me this weekend. So we planned it out & all. It came up that he even told a few friends about me that he thought I was cute. He kept insisiting on hanging out. Thing is his family is really complicated. His mom lives in a different state so hes leaving Tuesday to go visit. He lives with his dad and his like 7 year old sister lives with someone else. She came to visit and she wanted to go do things with her bro and dad before 4th of July. I believe him because i heard how much he loves his younger sister from a mutual friend. He kept apologizing and promised that he would make it up to me. I felt really bad cause he apologized like 20 times. Literally. A lot of people have told me that he's so nice and stuff. He really does seem so. Many guys have told me Im pretty and cute but idk. I just find it hard to believe someone as hot as him would be into me. (If you want pics of both of us for reference email me ).Does he seem like he's really interested or is he just messing with his head?

RAMADAN: How can you ask forgiveness from Rasoolallah (saww) without saying "YA RASOOLALLAH"?

this verse was revealed upon the Prophet , now when you read it ,you must ask forgiveness only to ALLAH for HE is Most Merciful and Off forgiving

What do i do about this?

Just ask her, wait for the right time and bring up the situation. But I suggest you don't look up porn. God has better things for you and wants to give you a better life.

HELP! how do you dress at a grad ceremony?!?

okay well yooh should have a fancy dress in ur closet i would tell yooh to wear nice blouse skinny jeans and heels if yooh dont have a dress but yes i think that if alot of people will be seeing yooh then yooh want to look nice and wear a cute necklace and do ur hair cute mabe a nice braid.:)

In the name of Father, Son, and the Holy Spirit or In Jesus name? Which one is the correct way to baptize?

God is the one and only God, creator od ALL! Jesus is the only angel that never sinned and that is why he got to be the Christ. And God made the Holy Ghost/Spirit for us. So God is most important and should never be left out. God made everything, even us. So Father, Son and Holy Ghost/Spirit is the correct way. Jesus even asks Why a man called him "good", I am not good only God is good. And when asked if certain disciples could sit beside him Jesus answer that he did not know that, ONLY GOD knew.

Dwelling building regulations?

answer no 1 bilbo have got it wrong a proper builder ..there has NEVER EVER been a building reg that states you must have a ventilated lobby between the kitchen and the toilet ..never has been ..never will be ..BUT ..if you were having any work done by the enviromental health people then they insisted that you did have a ventilated lobby ..or create one to qualify for a grant the answer is was converted to building regs standard ...suggest if your still unsure ..just ring building control ..they will tell you ...but i done at least 100 conversions similar to yours ..all under building control

Do you think he was insulting me?

We must have an mutual agreement and understanding to call each other on our mistakes and faults and errors!! It is our duty as friends to correct each other and ourselves, with humility, when we are wrong!! To hold ourselves to less would be diminishing!! We would only be betraying ourselves, for we must behave in accordance with who we want to be!! In the words of Niall Ferguson,"Its NOT the fault of the mirror if it reflects our blemishes as clearly as our beauty"....WHAT IS HE SAYING??

Wedding fall out with best friend?

This is still a sticky issue and people, unfortunately, feel passionately one way or the other about this. You love your sister and your bf. Perhaps she thought she could handle it, then found out she could not. It is obviously something that she is having great difficulty dealing/coping with. Make the first move, talk with her in private, honestly, openly as only bf's can. Tell her you miss her and want her to be a part of her big day. Tell her you respect her opinions, we each have one, but ask her if she can put hers aside as it will mean the world to you to have both your bf and sister with you on your special day. If she can't get past this issue long enough to share your big day, then it is sadly, her loss. Hard to let go, but if she can't, she can't and you have to accept that no matter how hard. Sorry, but just calling the shots as I see them. Some people just really have problems with people who in their eyes do not fit the "traditional mold". Good luck, maybe after she has time to think it over, she will come around after having some time to think this thru. Best wishes!!!!

What's your view of the Osama Bin Laden death announcement?

a href="" rel="nofollow"…/a

Saturday, August 6, 2011

Old boyfriend of 20+ years ago who is married, contacted me through facebook?

I ended the relationship at the time because he was very possessive. I have never been married, and live a fairly good life. He contacted me through facebook and we started chatting. I recently saw him on a dating site and told him that. He said that he had done that when he was bored and that he did not go on a single date, because everyone was just interested in a quick lay and no one is interested in a relationship of meaning. He says that he is practically a "single father" but is still married and loves and cares a lot about his children. He said he will explain when we go out for coffee.I agreed and we went for coffee. He then told me that he is still married , ETC so forth, that he cares deeply for his children, that he wanted to leave his wife in the past, that he did, but went back again. ... That he knows he's been too possessive in the past, and apologised for that . I also appologised for perhaps not appreciating him back then. He then said he had to go to a meeting, but that we have to go out for dinner. He wants to tell me some more and hear more about me. He sends regards and messages to my family. I got very uncomfortable and told him that he has to remember he is a married man and that I will think about going to dinner/lunch with him. He has contacted me again a few times to see of I have made up my mind to go with him and assures me that there is no pressure and that I have to make up my mind to go... the problem is that I am feeling attracted to him and do not know what to do...

Why did the Catholic Church so vehemently oppose Civil Marriage for Gays in New York?

Because they rightfully see gay marriage as a degeneration of societal values. I don't support the catholic church but it is what it is.

It's hard to tell if he likes me or not?

Any normal situation would be easy to tell. But it's harder since we have a history. We went on a date before and I really liked him and he seemed to like me. But then he just became distant and said things like it's not you it's me. And said things were difficult in his life. So i stopped talking to him as much. Later when we became friends again, he would always apologize about what happened with me. And I'd brush it off. Then he'd always ask later on if i had a boyfriend or was flirting with anyone. Then would play it off as telling me to be safe. I'd ignore him a lot after that when he would text or i.m. But soon I randomly started to fall for him again and text him back. He seemed happy and said we should hang out more and things like that. He even said we should go hang out and see a movie soon. I'm still not sure if he meant date. He never clarified on our first one. So I can't get out of my mind if he likes me or not. I feel like he thinks i text too much. But when i don't he asks why. He doesn't seem to like to talk to me. I even went out my way to eat pizza at his job yesterday with my last money just to see him. And he just acted funny then later said he thought i was mad at him. I just can't tell. With the past, and how he seems bored when we text. And never clarifies the date. I wish i knew if he was thinking about me as much as i think about him...

Why do Christians ignore the Old Testament as if God’s word has expired?

Here's a hint. When you have one law that applies to one group and another law that applies to another group, you have two different groups following separate orders from the same Commander.

This man is just too much to handle!!!?

Told I liked him, he said he didn't want a relationship. We kept hanging out, then I think he started to care for me too much. Had a big argument. He pulls back, restates he doesn't want a relationship. I took it personal thinking he just really isn't attracted to me. I tell him that I needed him to know that AT THIS POINT I a no longer all THAT head over heels in love with him because of his inconsistency. I tell him I will still speak to him but that that part of my heart is completely closed to him now! Now I feel bad about saying it but I couldn't let him think I was still in love with him. We hang up. He calls 2x and text until I call him back. He apologizes and says he still wants to hang out. Why doesn't he love me back? He says he thinks I'm beautiful. SOOO CONFUSED - what's the problem? I don't need him wanting me AFTER I told him I don't want him anymore (even if I was lying)! Too much for me to handle! What is going on with him???

Is the fear of Sharia Law in the USA a legitimate concern that a healthy, sane person might have?

Not just a case of "Oh I want to administer my will in accordance with the Quran" kind of harmless Sharia. I mean the stereotypical hand choppin' wife stonin' brand that is sold as a legitimate fear to the poor right dupes that are willing to buy it.

Thats so gay commercial?

Same thing with that public service ad about the use of the word "retard." They're referring to it as "the R word," and asking that people not use it. Apparently, you might offend the mentally disabled, even if it's not a mentally disabled person you are referring to.

How to get my girlfriend to come back(we've been together for over a year)?

I ignored her(for a couple weeks, she didn't even try to talk to me either) for neglecting me. I decided that was wrong to do,so I apologized & said I loved her. Now she's ignoring me for over 2 months and counting(missed my birthday too). I stopped contacting her after I apologized. She recently made a facebook account and added a friend of mine(she knows him thru me) and talks to him on there a lot(hes married), im sure just so i'd notice her/get jealous, she didn't add me. No contact between us for months.Shes stubborn and wants to prove to me that she can leave me(we've broken up/got back together a lot). I tried calling her today; but my cell # was blocked, but didnt block me from fbook?My friend just blocked her from fbook.What should I do to get her back?

What hair style will go with my prom dress?

I would suggest straightening it so that it's very long and silky and shiny. Your dress is already so gorgeous and dramatic, and the sleekness of your hair will offset that. If you feel it looks too contrasting, then you can always do a very soft bombshell-looking wave like hers. This is my favorite tutorial for that: a href="" rel="nofollow"…/a

I just don't understand this situation?

So I met this girl couple months ago we had a short fling she was bi-curious and just got out of a relationship with a girl that was 2 years long. We hung out made out whatever she told me she had feelings for me and I somewhat did too. Weird thing is she would stop texting me and we wouldn't talk then she invited me over and after that day we stopped texting again and she said she couldn't be in anything committed so it ended. Now a couple weeks ago I saw her at the bar and we talked but her friends kept her away and she texted me the day after apologizing how she doesn't talk to me and such but she said she wasn't looking for anything. Then she recently got hired at the same place I work and the day of her orientation we just talked about the past like what happened what went wrong and i said we should meet up she said yeah and I hugged her and asked if shed be okay if i gave her a kiss and she said yes so we ended up kissing a few time! I dont understand why she would do this? I asked her why and she said I dont know but once again she doesn't want a relationship I brought up the friends with benefits and she said she would be okay with that. The thing is she is always "busy" so she can't hang out but legitimately everytime we met 1 on 1 we have kissed or made out but the minute we separate we just stop talking. One of her friends who is my friends said she doesn't feel comfortable around men Anyways I saw her working at the bar and I didn't talk to her much but i could see her looking at me I talked to her before leaving and just said I want to talk to you one on one to settle this out and she said yeah we can meet up. Then I kind of stopped talking to Her and she was working at the bar another day she saw me and smiled and went on with whatever then later on i see her and she dancing with some guy but she can't come talk to me after tellin me she's attracted to me like what's up with that? Please help

The infamous hospital gown?

When wearing a hospital gown with underwear (tighty whities) underneath,do the tighty whities (briefs)have to come off when receiving an injection in the butt? I've been told they will have to come off for the injection,is this true that they have to come off?


Consider this a learning experience and let it go. I gather you are still young and need to make wiser decisions next time. For now, you have to accept and deal with the consequences of your behavior. Sadly, the person who has been damaged here was your ex-boyfriend. He too will learn from this and hopefully not feel that all woman cheat. This is not being mean, but truthful. Take your losses and let him move on. I tell you to let him move on because IF he were to take you back, it will never ever be the same. He may not trust you again or he may make "mistakes" similar to yours and you will not be very accepting of it.

I am considering buying a new wedding gown online....?

I am considering purchasing a new wedding gown off or Has anyone bought their wedding dress here? Were you satisfied/impressed? Why or why not?

What is Jihad. Who are they. Who do they answer to. Who governs the scope of their powers?

Jihad is nothing more than an ideal. It has no governance, and in the current state of world affairs, was created by the CIA and their top man Osama Bin Laden, codename "Tim Osman."

Did I grow too fast, is this going to be a problem?

I was just watching a TV show, and there were girls that still weren't through with puberty when they were 16, I'm going to be sixteen next month, and I'm finished growing, I haven't grown since 7th grade, I started my period around my 8th birthday, I'm still petite in the waist, but I've been in a B-cup (Yes my boobs are small, I know) , And my butt has been huge (I have a Kim Kardashian donk -____-) since 7th grade as well, I'm only 5 two and a half, and am not growing anymore, did I grow up too fast if I was already this size at 13? And haven't gown? Will this later on effect me, and is it normal?

Have you had a CT Scan. Yes? Answer this please?

I have had a few and they were in all robes except for one where I wore jeans and shirt. The nurse commented on my shirt and made sure that the buttons weren't metal but didn't comment on the pants.

Wearing the hospital gown?

When wearing a hospital gown with briefs (tighty whities) underneath,do the briefs have to come off when receiving an injection in the butt? I've been told they will have to come off for the injection,is this true that they have to come off?

Should I share with him my pictures and add him as a friend on my new account?

why did you use another persons picture lol? you look fine! and if he only liked you for your looks, he's not a keeperrr.

The infamous hospital gown?

Any time I've had an injection in the hospital, they have only moved down the waistband of the underwear until enough of my buttocks were exposed so the shot could be administered. Not removed them entirely.

How to win back his frienship?

He probably freaked out when he got a message from ur "sister" yelling at him about all that. Of course he would stop talkin to you. He probably doesnt want any trouble. Its obvious your too immature to be doing that anyway. You got wht you asked for pretty much. Leave him alone. Move onto the next one.. Next time dont act a fool over the internet andhe may still talk to you

I need a girls advice so I don't make a mistake?

Yeah, drop her a text, wish her a safe trip home maybe!!! She can open the convo from there if she wants to! If she likes you she won't mind u texting her so you've not got much to loose!!! Good luck and hope it all works out!!

I'm so embarassed =/ TEN POINTS?

About 3 days ago I got into this fight with a guy (my cousin's friend). Let's call him "F". So 4 days ago I met "F" and we kissed and then after he left we talked on the phone later that night and he said he would come over again the next day. The following day "F" came over and my cousin didn't want him there. When "F" rang the doorbell my cousin told everyone to ignore it and when "F" called my cousin on his phone my cousin told him we weren't home but I had already told him we were so my cousin told us to open the door for "F". I had told "F" to go home because I knew my cousin was mad, (I didn't know what else to do). Anyway when I told "F" to leave he told me that he had biked a long way to get there and that he was never coming back again because he was 'denied'. When I told him to wait I was coming he said it was too late and he'd already left. I tried apologizing to him by writing an apology on facebook inbox but I 'm not sure if he read it or not. (I would have texted him but my phone broke). So I decided to give him a call just in case he didn't read my facebook message so I did and the last time we talked he told me that the phone he had answered with was his cell so I called that number again and he answered but after I told him who I was he said that I had the wrong number? It sounded like his voice and I'm almost 100% sure it's the right number. I completely embarrassed myself && now I don't know what to do?

Why does Public Law 62-5 limit the number of representatives in the house at 435 and not another number?

There was a formula being used at the time that allocated the number of seats proportional to population. If each state got at least 1 representative, this came out at 435 seats all out, which they decided to stick with.

Who is operate the yahoo internet awards 2011?

Sorry, but there are no such awards! The whole thing is nothing but a phishing scam which has been around for years! Do NOT answer, just delete the message, or you'll end up with a hacked Yahoo account and/or a drained bank account.

Wedding dress cosultation?

Of course you can. You should never feel pressured in purchasing anything, especially something as important as a wedding dress.

How should I confront my bf about his ex girlfriend :(?

Okay so my bf went out with this girl for 6 months which is now his ex. and he's been going out with me for 7. he said i'm his first love blah blah blah. and they went out like a yr and a half ago. well she's back in town. she's here to stay now. and she wanted to see my bf yesterday while i was over :( so we saw her and it was really awkward but we kept polite. then my bf and i went back inside his house and he apologized for the awkwardness and whatever. NOW idk if she was really his first love i'm not sure..but yesterday i was like so do you wanna hangout tomorrow and he was like no...i have plans sorta. how do i confront him and ask him if i should be worried about him and his ex. I TRUST MY BF I JUST DO NOT TRUST HER :(

Jehovah witness can you tell me why?

We teach / preach the same gospel Jesus did. The theme of his preaching was God's Kingdom, and how it is the ONLY real solution to mankind's problems. Yes, we talk about war, crime, injustice, etc., but in the context that it fulfills the signs of the last days, that Jesus taught about, and that the end of this system is very close. We preach the same thing Jesus did. If you preach anything different, YOU preach a different and corrupt gospel.

Can you point out the grammatical errors, or other kinds of mistakes in the following english text?

grammatically- none of those bullets contain sentences. I also think you need to look at what you have capitalized and why. Bullet points should be succinct. This all sort of jumbles together and could probably be worded much more clearly.

Is this true,is it really required?

When wearing a hospital gown with briefs (tighty whities) underneath,do the briefs have to come off when receiving an injection in the butt? I've been told they will have to come off for the injection,is this true that they have to come off?

Friday, August 5, 2011

What do you think of racists?

Racists are wilfully ignorant in the fact that they assert that their race is superior to individuals within other races, yet, they use downright false or dubious evidence to prove their claimed "superiority." When one provides a racist with evidence to refute or prove dubious his or her often false, irrelevant, or exaggerated hateful premises, racists are still likely to adhere to their views, basing their racial hatred upon desire as opposed to a casualty of their own failed logic and tendency to judge by negative generalisations, a failure to consider reality. Racists are delusional due to their tendency to believe in slippery slopes and conspiracy theories such as the "evident genocide" of their race, the belief that they would become a minority in 2050, the destruction of Western culture, etc., all without evidence proving it true. Many racists are, like the individuals of other races that they cherry pick, are very violent and dangerous because they tend to commit hate crimes and plot terrorist attacks against people of other races to prevent the dubious slippery slope from occurring, while many are also cowards that prefer to express themselves behind their computer screens to avoid real confrontation. They're intellectually inferior because they debate their racist claims with outright false information and the simplest logical fallacies that truly "superior" people would not commit. Racists are also simple-minded in the fact that they cannot view the world and many of its contents in complexities and therefore judge people of other races by negative generalisations associated with their race instead of considering their individual personalty based upon the *fact* that within every group is a different individual. The hasty generalisation fallacy is very common amongst the racists. Thus, in effect, despite claiming to be superior, the racists are ultimately mostly inferior to the individuals they claim to be superior to.

Let my life long friend's 17 year old little brother kiss me the other night when i was drunk, help?!?

Right ok so my friend ive knew forever (who is my age, 20 and male) and our mutual friend (who's 19 is another girl like me) were having a drink at HIS house (his parents were away) after id been to work all day. Id had no sleep the night before bear in mind. So I went they'd already started drinking and were at least 1 drink ahead of me so I poured myself a pint of mine and rank it pretty quick, felt fine. anyhoo over the next hour his younger brother who's 17 came in said hiya to us and went out the room. All cool, then my friend (the girl) went downstairs and was talkin to him while he was on the computer and we all get on ok anyway. I went in there and we were talking and drinking and after some time my friend the girl went to keep our other friend company and see what he was up to, anyway before i knew it i was pretty drunk and me and him had been sat alone talking for a while and just listening to music while he was on the pc and eating a pizza lol, he offered me some of it i probably should have said yeah and i might have been in a much better state later in the night. So i needed a cigarette and couldnt find my so talking him into saving me half (he had 3 in total, and we had to go outside for it) so we went out the back chatted fine and before i knew it it was like playfully chatting and flirting and he kissed me! (i was really tipsy though) and we were kissing loads it felt fun but risky as the others couldnt know and they could come look for us anytime. I remember our female friend came out and we were in a corner of the yard near the rabbit hutch and somehow we managed to make it look innocent ha..we all went in i was the last of us going up the stairs and he was touching my hands i think from behind his back as the girl mate was the first up the stairs. we all went in MY lad friends room and just sat around again listening to music and me and this guy were both in there (me still real tipsy) things happened, 3 of us ended up hanging in and out the 17 year old brothers bedroom. and he kept making comments that i was sleeping and staying in his bed and stuff. a couple of times we were alone and just kissed and i'm sure he had ideas to do more given half the chance but i wouldn't... and couldn't anyway as i was on my period at the time of all this. but i keep getting flashbacks of parts after this i dont know if he put his hands down my trousers which im pretty mortified about tbh but i vaguely remember him saying "theres no blood" and i said "there will be, trust me"...its so blurry and was the moment i woke up in his sisters room. There was blood on her dressing gown and i cant remember getting there or the last parts of the night. I went to bed alone but i dont remember or anything which is bothering me so much. it feels like because i know him i cant live with little parts of my memory on it being missing. I pass this guy atleast once a week sometimes more just going out my house. other than that im going on holiday with his sister in october and have to go to their house sometimes and its gonna be so awkward now if i see him there. Anyone who reads this what would you suggest i do or play it now? to stop any further embarrassment to myself or him really, because theres nothing i can do to change whatevers happened now. I dont think anybody else knows what happened like my friends or his parents im sure someone would have said something by now if so!! D: Any suggestions or comments or anything anyone? apart from stupid ones, tar! :)

What do you think of people who talk, text or eat noisily in the theater?

They should have their own theater like how some train cars strictly prohibit cell phone use in the cabins. I stopped going to prime time movie showings and prefer matinees nowadays because of these inconsiderate jerks (less attendees). i didnt pay good money to be annoyed.

Who should intiate contact NOW? Me or him!?

So i asked my ex-bf today to meet up before he went off for vacation for 2 months because I needed to apologize to him for the way i broke up with him, and broke his heart and stuff. He said everything was okay, and that he wasn't over me. He still loved me, and although he still wants me, he doesnt know if he wants to be in a relationship again because he's afraid I'll hurt him again. I said it was up to him, but perhaps we could stay in touch while he was gone for vacation and start fresh when he's back. He said that we could stay in touch, and see what happens when he comes back. So what now? He still has a week before he leaves, should I text/talk to him first? Or wait until he says something...

Is Israeli treatment of Palestinian prisoners in accordance with the international law?

Its been stated that at present Israel are holding over 9,000 prisoners many young children imprisoned for throwing stones at the IDF This must be against human rights . Do Israel, as occupiers, have the right to imprison anyone, not to mention the 1.5 million imprisoned in the Gaza strip As for Gilad Shalit he is just a prisoner of war and when a satisfactory peace deal is agreed by both parties he will be released . He will be a major factor when they finally sit down and try to arrange some kind of deal

My Male Cancer disappeared on me...Idk if I should move on!?

Seems like you're putting a LOT more into this than he is.... You deserve someone who will be as into you as you are into them. Let him go.

Can a relationship work between two people that often differ?

you both really like each other so ya. But imagine how weird it would be if you were with a guy who agrees with you on everything. As long as you guys share the same values I think it'll be fine.

Anybody ever done this?

I been recently like disrepecting my mom, like for ex call her lazy ***, I kind of kicked her not hard but like from 1 to 10 , 4. I really feel terrible, I always apologize after I don't know what's wrong with me. I'm not in a relationship. I'm 18 yrs old, I work, I don't know why I act like this I need help

Why does anything exist? Quantum physics says nothingness is unstable, creation had to have happened?

Why is it so difficult to believe in a Creator or Designer? Many physicists, through years of work, have conceded the fact that our reality is nothing more than a digital hologram. Crazy, but true. And if the universe as we know it, started with a big bang, what was the initial thing that CAUSED the big bang? If you have some time, check this out...

Application of linear curves in business and economics?

1 )an analysis of the marketing data for perfect boutique shows that 6% more gowns are bought for every 15%reduction in the unit price wen a price per gown is 2000 ,50pieces are sold A) determine the demand equation B) find the highest price to be paid for each gown C ) how many gowns would be if demanded they were free

My boyfriend is treating me like i mean nothing to him?

Okay so we've been together for a while n hes the sweetest thing to me he tells me he loves me n that he thinks "im the one" n he wants to marry me. (i know corny) Anywho about a week ago we got in a fight because hes been very rude to me for the past three weeks n almost broke up but talked it over n he apologized n everything was all better. He treated me like he used to n everything was going great but then yesterday he called me about 2am n we talked til 5 but the ENTIRE time he was being a b**ch to me n i didnt understand what i did.? if i told him "why r u acting like this whycqnt u be nice ur always nice to me.?" he'd either say "nahh dnt feel like it" or "nahh maybe some other time" i dnt get it. Oh and when i said he was being a b**ch i mean by insulting me every five min or critisising everything i said n tell me to kill myself or that he despises me with a passion.? like wow really.? not even joking is that funny why is he acting like this.?