Monday, August 8, 2011

Who is this one-day troll "Thanks for your answer! It's a valuable result"?

These questions are asked by spambots. They are automated and usually copy/pasted from previous years on Yahoo, or from other similar sites. A spambot asks the question and another spambot answers it. Look for the generic Yahoo avatars of the answerbots and really really average names like Bettina Smythe (some of them are so average they make me laugh). The answerbots (my term) always have an impossibly high best answer percentage. Any question with a best answer that is told "Thanks for your answer. It's a valuable result.." (always two fullstops) is a spambot. Once the answerbot is bumped up to level 2 and they can post live links to other sites, their IDs are sold to spammers. Report them! How does this equate with your theory?

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