Tuesday, August 9, 2011

What I should do, have no friends!?

I have some friends. I dont really talk to alot of girls in my school, because I cant trust these girls, they're very immature and pathetic. I have friends from other schools, but live a little far. My problem is I lost a friend because I confronted her about how I know she talks **** about me to other girls. I told her I cant believe after all these years of our friendship you have the guts to talk behind my back, I told her how much it hurts. It really bothers me! Noone told me she did but she does talk alot of crap about her other bestfriends so Im 100% sure she does about me too. I saw one of her text messages talking about how I `play` guys. I did not intentionally go through her text messages, she told me to hold her phone while she gave her speech and I needed to check the time so I pressed the button because she has a BlackBerry her conversation was still there so I see my name, and continued to read it. Minutes before our argument I told her how I dont feel comfortable with her talking to her friends about our problems, I told her to talk to our mutual friends because they have a neutral mind, they know how I am and they know how she is, as opposed to the other c*nts trying to break our friendship by putting sh*t in her mind. My other bestfriend is gone to Cuba for the Summer, the other one has work and the last one is pretty busy. I texted her apologizing but she didnt reply, I feel like a dumbass for apologizing. I basically have no friends to hang out with in the Summer, I really dont want this Summer to suck. I have a crush on this guy and I keep seeing him, and I have a feeling he feels the same way. He kept staring at me when I was on my driveway, he was about to approach me but I got into my friends car. I wanna talk to him but I cant go alone to the plaza, I need someone to go with me. I really hate my life right now, not having anyone there for you feels like f*cking ****. I dont know how to freaking make new friends. How should I make new friends? What should I do with my friend that I got into a fight with? Thanks guys! I just dont have anyone to talk to about my problems so I resulted to Yahoo Answers!

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